All Hail The Libromancer


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Progress on this site has been slow, which shouldn’t surprise me, and yet I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t. As I write, I’m sharing the front with three, potentially four, other headmates at the moment, and they have their own interests. They don’t seem disinterested in the site, but they are disinterested in engaging with the mortifying ordeal of being known. I’m fine with this, but it has left me with less room to think about this site.

In other news, I think we’re going to get Minecraft soon. We bought Minecraft a long time ago (pre-plurality) but couldn’t get back into the account after Mojang got bought. We’d been hesitant to spend money on it, but recently I had an idea for a specific build. And, well, some other headmates caught wind of my idea and started coming up with their own ideas for builds. That, combined with the fact that we’ve been consuming hours of Minecraft content on YouTube, means that we probably will end up buying it when we get the chance. I might make a page (or more) on this site dedicated to our Minecraft shenanigans. I can’t promise it will happen, but I think it’d be pretty neat.

We’ve also been playing a bit more Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel lately. For their first anniversary, they changed their opening screen’s background to a color I can only describe as, “Searing White.” Imagine Discord’s light mode, but mandatory.

Bizarre changes aside, we’ve been having fun with it. We recently built a Libromancer deck, mainly fueled by a headmate who isn’t here at the moment. It can be difficult for us to build winning decks, but Libromancer isn’t too shabby. The main strategy behind our Libromancer deck is to special summon Libromancer Geek Boy (which is a delightful name for a card) to draw Libromancer First Appearance, which we only have one of. From there, we can add Libromancer Fire to our hand, who can add any Libromancer monster to our hand upon special summon. And all the non-ritual Libromancer cards have effects to special summon themselves if you reveal a Ritual monster in your hand, so it’s fairly easy to special summon them.

Libromancer First Appearance also doubles as a Ritual spell card, and it isn’t a once per turn. So as long as you have Ritual monsters and materials, you can Ritual Summon as much as you’d like. You can easily fill the main monster zone in one turn if you draw the right cards. The ideal situation is to Ritual Summon Libromancer Firestarter, and then after that, activate the spell card Libromancer Bonded to Ritual Summon Libromancer Fireburst, the big boy of the Libromancer archetype. The effect of Libromancer Bonded makes Fireburst immune to being destroyed or banished by card effects. However, he can still be sent back to the hand or deck.

Fireburst has 2800 ATK points, but also, if you Ritual Summon him using a monster on the field (which there’s no reason not to do, since all the Libromancer cards can special summon themselves) then any battle damage he inflicts is doubled. So, for a direct attack, he inflicts 5600 points of damage. Which, I like to think we’ve given plenty of players who don’t read card effects a shock when that happens. The other Ritual monsters are the aforementioned Firestarter, as well as Libromancer Mystigirl and Libromancer Doombroker. Mystigirl is pretty funny; she has only 1400 ATK points, but upon her special summon, you target a face-up monster your opponent controls, and that monster’s effect are negated and its ATK is changed to 0. Not a card you want to see on the first turn, but she has come in handy quite a few times.

Pardon me, I wrote a lot more than I expected to. As much as I’m tempted to continue, I’d be here all day. So I’ll end the Yu-Gi-Oh talk by saying that we also have the beginnings of a Mekk-Knight deck, mixed with some World Chalice cards. We’ve only tested it in solo so far. It doesn’t seem quite as good, though that’s probably more of an us problem than a problem with the archetype. We’ve been on the receiving end of Mekk-Knight a few times, and, uh, it’s definitely a powerful deck when facing against it, so I’m sure we’ll be able to make a good deck if we keep at it.

Also, as part of the Master Duel first anniversary (I lied about ending the Yu-Gi-Oh talk sorry), they’re offering special card packs that feature alternate card art for Knightmare Unicorn and Eldlich The Golden Lord. We got the Knightmare Unicorn card as a part of the Mekk-Knight deck, and the art is quite majestic. We don’t have an Eldlich, but we have an old Vampire deck, so we may try to pick that up too. And, to be honest, Eldlich in that pose is kinda hot.

♪ Can't believe that just an hour ago, I was hurting ♪

A small game sprite of a black-haired anime girl walking before stopping and smiling. She wears a pink dress, headband, and brown shoes.