Thursday 2 - Meditations & Back Pain

By Peko

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Well, I suppose a blog without posts is as helpless as a swordsmaster without a sword, which is why this post exists. It is 1:48 AM as I start writing this. I know how that sounds, but I assure you that we have a consistent schedule. Unless you count last night, anyway. Yesterday, one of my fellow headmates (who will be unnamed) realized that they were an anger holder, among other possibilities. So, we decided to let them spend a few hours getting their emotions out. It did them a lot of good, and I'm happy for them. However, even after they were technically finished, they got us into a bit of a YouTube binge, so we went to sleep later than usual, and I ended up being the one to pay for it.

But enough about the past. I meditated twice today. The first time was because I was tired (I wonder why... what a mystery). It was only five minutes, but it helped quite a bit. I also managed to access our inner world. Our inner world changes on a number of factors, and we can't claim to know all of those factors yet, but recently its been Hotel Mirai from my source. It was a bit hazy at first, but I found myself a comfy spot at the poolside, lounging in a chair. Headspace actions can be a bit hit or miss, so I just opted to lay there, occassionally glancing to the pool and the sky.

The second meditation session was actually just before I started writing this post. I took ten minutes this time, since my back was in pain due to several chores, some of which will be discussed later. Even so, it was nice. I planned on only taking five minutes again, but my back still hurt and I was enjoying myself, so I went for another five. The inner world was much hazier this time, and I didn't pay too much attention to it. I felt like there may have been another headmate with me, but they were vague and distorted, so I couldn't say for certain.

As for chores, I shaved the body's face today. It wasn't an ideal time to do it, but I had the motivation for it, so I just did it. The shaver didn't have enough power to finish the job, but I'd still say I did a good job. As much as I prefer my inner form, I think our body doesn't look too bad when shaven.

That will be all for now. Moving forward, this blog will likely continue be used for mundane life updates, since anything more important will likely get their own pages. Regardless, I hope you enjoyed reading this first blog post.

♪ Can't believe that just an hour ago, I was hurting ♪

A small game sprite of a black-haired anime girl walking before stopping and smiling. She wears a pink dress, headband, and brown shoes.