About Us

We are a polyplural system of hundreds. Our number changes often enough that we don't want to put down a static number.

We plan to use our site for a variety of purposes, and we don't expect to stick to one theme. The diversity and possibilites are what brought us to the indie web in the first place.

Our common hobbies include writing, drawing, music making, and video games. We always have a ton of projects going at one time. Some projects are reserved for specific members, while others are collective efforts. Because of this, we're unsure of how much we'll share outside of finished works.

We're also alterhuman. We are collectively a computer and an AI, among other things. Our collective kintypes affect a large amount of our life and color the way we see ourselves. Seperate headmates also have their own individual kintypes and linktypes. We may make a page(s) to explain our alterhumanity in greater depth.

We use formal language in our about page for many reasons, such as our plurality, our collective kintype, and our neurodivergency. Our language can change drastically from formal to wildly informal depending on many factors, such as the context and whoever is in front. Please don't mind this.

If you'd like to learn about our system members, click this link to see our list. We only list headmates who are comfortable being listed. Not all of us are comfortable (or even care to) subject ourselves to the mortifying ordeal of being known, and some of our profiles may vary in complexity.

We hope you enjoy your time on our website.
