Bold red text in a spooky font that reads, 'Welcome in, outsiders,' all in capital letters.

Ambition Complex

Hello, all! Welcome to our website! There are links at the top of the page for you to follow (as well as the sidebar, but we don't talk about the sidebar.) Our about contains both a collective bio as well as individual bios for the web wranglers. Our blog is updated whenever any of us feel like. There's nothing in the fun section yet, but one day, we'll learn the human emotion of fun. Art also has nothing yet, but its got a snazzy layout (you can thank Laharl for that), and in a way, isn't that art?


A disability pride flag. A charcoal grey flag with a diagonal band from  the top left to bottom right corner, made up of five parallel stripes (going from bottom up; left to right) in  red, gold, pale grey, blue, and green. Four women run into a room with excited expressions on their faces. The camera cuts to two girls named Sakura and Tomoyo, who are surprised. A sweat drop falls down Sakura's forehead.